 | Serving Ontario Wines |
We're helping the Wine Council of Ontario's implement a variety of web-based solutions, including virtual tours and a real-time events calendar.
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 | Seneca's World Wide Web |
We designed and built database-driven content and admin tools for a new website to recruit and inform international students at Seneca College, Canada's largest college.
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 | World of Hockey |
The IBM Global Game Encounter, the world's #1 repository of international hockey data, just got a major upgrade, including a new admin system for content.
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 | A New Ice Age |
For fans of the heroes of the coolest game on earth, we've brought the Legends of Hockey to the web in encyclopedic and entertaining fashion.
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 | A Hall of Fame Career |
It's now 14 years and counting working with the Hockey Hall of Fame, producing a wide variety of new media exhibits and eContent solutions.
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 | Eureka! |
Learning Edge technology, including a custom "Ask A Teacher" whiteboard/chat, helped TV Ontario teach high-school Math, English, and Science via its Eureka website.
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