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Season 1 Episodes
  1. Bits & bytes:
    How the simple binary digit adds up to larger units of storage.

  2. Computer architecture:
    An overview of the basic components and interactions found in all computers.

  3. Machine language:
    An explanation of registers and how they're used by the core instructions.

  4. Operating systems:
    A look at the low-level software that interfaces to peripherals, schedules tasks, allocates storage, and presents a default user interface.

  5. File organization:
    An explanation of file allocation tables, directory structures, file attributes, and file naming.

  6. Memory management:
    An overview of how operating systems and applications allocate, use, cache, and recycle the computer's memory.

  7. Input/output:
    A look at peripheral devices for inputting and outputting data, and at I/O control systems and techniques.

  8. Interrupts:
    How the computer manages different input/output tasks and handles their requests to interrupt an operation in progress.

  9. Virtual machines:
    Using isolated memory to simulate dedicated computers or perform specialized functions.

  10. Real-time processing:
    A look at how computers are used to process outside data or handle real-world events continuously as they occur.

  11. Data types:
    A look at data with predefined characteristics, including integers, floating point numbers, characters, strings, pointers, and Booleans.

  12. Character strings:
    An explanation of how alphanumeric characters are stored as strings, and the techniques for comparing, combining, and breaking them apart into smaller units.

  13. Arrays:
    How a group of numbers can be stored in a matrix of varying dimensions under a single variable name and accessed using a pointer or index.

  14. Variables and Constants:
    A look at how blocks of data are used to store and manipulate variable data values, and are represented symbolically within a computer program.

  15. Expressions:
    An explanation of programming methods used to directly assign values to variables, and how algebraic operations are performed using variable names.

  16. Numeric methods and functions:
    An examination of various mathematical techniques and how they are applied in computing to find results or transform data.

  17. Boolean Operators:
    An overview of Boolean math, including TRUE/FALSE values, AND/OR operations, and their use in computing.

  18. Procedural programming:
    An introduction to elementary program structure and flow, and the use of subroutine calls, branches, and parameters.

  19. Conditional statements: IF/ELSE:
    A look at logic tests and how they can be used to form powerful branches in the flow of computer programs.

  20. DO WHILE and other loops:
    How parts of computer programs can be set up to repeat themselves, how the looping is controlled, and the application of this coding technique.

  21. List processing:
    An overview of how data can be chained into lists, and the techniques for inserting/adding data and creating sub lists.

  22. Stacks:
    A look at the alternative stack data structure, and related processing techniques including LIFO, push, pop, dup, and swap.

  23. Queues:
    An overview of how the system handles multiple demands for resources, and other related programming principles such as FIFO, interrupts, and parallel processes.

  24. Algorithms:
    An overview of how a set of program instructions or procedures can be used to solve a problem in a finite number of steps.

  25. Sorts:
    A look at the basic computing techniques for arranging data into a specific order.

  26. Recursion:
    An examination of how a function or subroutine can call a simpler version of itself to arrive at a desired solution.

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